Spray lance in basins
Asset management at aeration basins Our client needs to perform periodic maintenance to aeration basins. Since our client did not have information on the status of aeration in the basin, the basin was scheduled to be removed from production. This happens once every 5 to 10 years, based purely on instinct. This would implicate frequent mishaps, with replacements taking place either too early or too late. Any divers who inspect the basin are unable to accurately see or feel their surroundings, which means these inspections offer little in the way of information. The issue we were faced with was that: “It would be wonderful if it were possible to obtain qualified data without the use of divers; data that could be used to establish whether a basin should be removed from production”.
Spray lance
Using a specially developed spray lance, we made it possible to visually inspect the quality of the components of the basin. This provides the client with information on the status of the piping and aeration elements. Our client chose to work with us because we offer the right combination of domain knowledge and measuring methods to make this solution possible.
Correct data after inspection
Removing a basin from production means of cost between 25,000 and 75,000 Euros to the water board. This figure does not even include the disruptions or loss of capacity. Since the water board now has the right insights following the inspection with our spray lance, they can calculate the exact time at which a basin requires maintenance. This information helps shift maintenance from once every 5 to 10 years to once every 8 to 13 years. The costs of a single measurement are at around 1200 Euros. This amounts to vast savings considering that there are 4000 of these basins in the Netherlands alone.