Asset.Insight can help by monitoring your assets to provide you with a continuous insight into the condition of your assets. This lets you perform measurements, signal environmental changes, and monitor the condition of your assets – all from the comfort of your own desk. Relevant data can be provided in various formats, for example browser-based on integrated into GIS applications. Based on this collection of data, we can develop algorithms that can be used to recognise deviations and risk. This lets us create a new flow of information allowing for fully supported risk-based maintenance.
How we can be of service
Using our real-time online monitoring platform FlexMonitoring, we can optimise the accessibility and reliability of your infra-assets. FlexMonitoring is currently being used by Dutch railway company ProRail, the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, various construction companies, water boards, and municipalities. The system is suitable for all types of infra, such as rail-infra (incl. switches, train detection, signals, level crossings, train safety, point heating and feeds), wet-infra (incl. bridges and water level management), and dry-infra (incl. tunnels and viaducts).

Analysis and prediction
The software compares all data according to previously drafted scenarios and established parameters. Any deviations that may lead to breakdown result in a notification to the breakdown service. This means repairs can be scheduled at opportune times, so accessibility is unhindered and repair crews can work in safety. Additionally, repairs and replacements are only scheduled when they need to be. This saves on costs and resources. Using the knowledge database thus created, you will be able to predict system behaviour, wear and tear, and deviations with increasing accuracy. Your insight into the economic life will be improved which, in turn, will help you schedule your maintenance – as well as support decisions on replacements or life extension.
How you can benefit
Improved insight into the accessibility and safety of your assets
Scheduling and implementing preventative maintenance
Real-time insight. Manage your assets from your desk
Control over the management of your assets

Our monitoring services
Flex monitoring
GPS tracking
The data resulting from the monitoring process lets us help you improve the planning and management of future maintenance through predictive modelling.